Year: 1992
Project: Practical training
Job title: Trainee
Farm: Penrhiw farm
Location: Wales, UK
Skills: Practical training
Thematic areas: Sheep production, sheep health, sheep breeding
Brief description of traineeship:
- I worked at “Penrhiw” farm for a period of seven weeks. This organic sheep farm consist of 83 hectares farmland, of which about 52 hectares is set aside as grassland for sheep production and the remaining farmland is used to grow oats and barley.
- Farm activities included, among others:
- sheep dipping,
- sheep health assessment,
- cultivating crop land;
- hay harvesting,
- repairing fences, fodder throughs and other other farm equipment,
- drenching sheep with dewormer,
- vaccinating sheep,
- feeding,
- rounding up sheep and moving sheep to other pastures with sheep dog,
- treating different kind of diseases such as foot rot, mastitis and myiasis,
- helping ewes with lambing difficulties during lambing season,
- flock administration (e.g. ewes health condition and lambing performance), and
- managing the farm when farmers were away.
- After my practical training in 1992 I spent several of my (summer)holidays working on this farm in the years 1993-2002.