

Research ethnoveterinary practices Tzotzil Indians in Chiapas, Mexico

Year: 2005

Key note speaker during the VI Ibero-american Symposium on Conservation and Utilization of Animal Genetic Resources San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, organised by CYTED, the Autonomous University of Chiapas and the Institute of Indigenous studies of Chiapas, Mexico.

Year: 1998

Project: B.Sc. Thesis research

Job title: Research for B.Sc. thesis

Organization: Instituto de Estudios Indígenas – Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

Location: Chiapas, Mexico

Skills: Research

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, ethnoveterinary medicine

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Research on traditional veterinary practices and sheep husbandry system of the Tzotzil shepherdesses through observation and interviews (group and individual),
  • Collection of medicinal plants and sheep faeces samples for ongoing research of the I.E.I on the efficiency of medicinal plants on endo-parasites.
Book cover ethnoveterinary medicine annotated bibliography

A summary of my B.Sc. thesis was published in: Martin M, Mathias E, McCorkle CM. Ethnoveterinary Medicine: An Annotated Bibliography of Community Animal Healthcare. London: ITDG Publishing; 2001

Geerlings, Ellen (1998) Ethnoveterinary medicine and Sustainable Livestock Development: research Based on a Literature Study and Practical Research In Chiapas, Mexico. B.Sc. thesis in Small-Scale Animal Production in the Tropics, International Agricultural College of Larenstein, Deventer, Netherlands. 84pp

Year: 1996

Project: Practical training

Job title: Trainee

Organization: Centro de Enseñanza, Investigación y Extensión en Ganadería Tropical (CEIEGT), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Location: Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, Mexico

Skills: Practical training

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, extension, research

Brief description of traineeship:

  • I worked at CEIEGT for a period of seven months. The first two months I participated in an intensive Spanish language course 
  • Working on the three different ranches where I  learned the basic skills of fish (Tilapia) production, tropical sheep production and milk and meat production. 
  • The remaining four months were spend on “La Soledad“, a ranch of 114 hectares with 275 Zebu-cattle. Here I conducted pasture research (dry-matter content, yield, etc.) and I participated in  activities such as: periodical de-worming; dipping; pregnancy diagnosis by rectal palpating; injecting, taking blood samples; heat detection during breeding season; fencing; rounding up cattle on horseback; taking faeces samples; tick spraying; testing cattle on Brucellosis and Tuberculosis and examine blood samples with a microscope on Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis. 
  • Giving practical training on pasture sampling to groups of mexican veterinary and agricultural students. 
  • Giving English language lessons to Mexican students during my stay at CEIEGT and I participated in several workshops and seminars.