
Year: 2010
Project: Poultry value chain study
Job title: Consultant
Client: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Skills: Research, capacity building
Thematic areas: poultry, value chain, backyard poultry sector, livelihoods, poultry trade, poultry production
Brief description of responsibilities:
Consultant for the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD). The value chain study took a socio-economic approach principally studying the rationales of poultry producers in the value chain.
- Developed the research capacities of three National consultants through a 3-day research skills training program including quantitative as well as participatory research methods.
- Identified linkages between producers and other stakeholders in the poultry sector.
- Characterised practices and attitudes of farmers regarding poultry keeping in general and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in particular.
- Gained a better understanding of underlying believes and norms with regards to practices and behaviour that might facilitate disease maintenance and spread in order to move from ‘dictating’ certain behaviour changes to targeting certain believes underlying these potentially risky behaviours.
- Contributed to the design of better-targeted pro-poor disease control efforts and thus to achieve more efficient disease control through analyses and evaluation of results and findings.

Geerlings, Ellen (2009).The impact of highly pathogenic avian influenza and soaring food prices on household level food security in Egypt.
Paper produced for the Multi-disciplinary Conference for PhD students: Current Debates in International Development, School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, June 25th-26th 2009.
Year: 2006 & 2007
Project: HPAI impact assessment
Job title: Consultant project coordination and supervision
Client: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Skills: Project management, capacity building, research, impact assessment
Thematic areas: avian influenza, livelihoods, poultry, animal health, animal production, gender
Brief description of responsibilities:
The underlying objective of this consultancy is to support the national government of Egypt in the development of effective and enforceable livestock policies and strategies, in mitigating the effects of the Avian Influenza emergency and control measures on food security and livelihoods.
- Preparation and implementation of a national research skills training program. Specifically, organise, co-ordinate and carry out training of 15 national researchers, including classroom theory and exercises, and field practice.
- Formulation of data collection methodologies and supervise data collection teams in Egypt.
- Tailor and adapt socio-economic impact assessment checklist and toolkit (developed in previous assignment) within the national poultry production systems, genetic resources, and policy constraints.
- Developing analysis procedures for the data collected and assistance in the initial data analysis.
- Analyses and evaluation of results and findings of mission work with the aim of assisting national government policy development.

Geerlings E, with Albrechtsen L, Rushton J. (2007) Highly pathogenic avian influenza: A rapid assessment of the socio-economic impact on vulnerable households in Egypt.
A joint study by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Programme. FAO, Rome, Italy. 78p.
This short video describes the research methodology used for the FAO/WFP HPAI impact study in Egypt