Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation

Year: 2021

Project: Baseline study We Are Able!

Job title: Coordinator Baseline study

Employer: ZOA

Location: The Netherlands, Burundi, D.R. Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda.

Skills: Project coordination, monitoring and evaluation, baseline study, research, capacity development

Thematic areas: Food security, inclusive participatory decision-making, rights of persons with disabilities.

The We are able! project strengthens Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Organizations of People with Disabilities (OPDs) in six fragile and conflict affected countries (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia) in their lobby and advocacy for sustainable and inclusive access to basic resources, contributing to improved food security (SDG2).

The consortium consists of ZOA, The African Disability Forum (ADF), SeeYou Foundation, The Leprosy Mission Netherlands (TLM) and implementing partners VNGI and The Hague Academy for Local Governance.

My role is to act as the coordinator for the baseline study of the WaA! project. Responsibilities include the development of the sampling strategy, developing data collection methods and tools, providing guidance and assistance to country teams in preparing for data collection, during data collection and analysis of the results. I’m responsible for preparing the final program level baseline report based on data from the six WaA! country teams. 

Year: 2019

Project: Socio-economic impact evaluation of the Irrigation component of the ‘Community Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock Project (CLAP)

Job title: International consultant

Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock (MAIL)

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Skills: Monitoring & Evaluation, research, organisational strengthening, capacity building

Thematic areas: Agriculture, water management, irrigation, crop production, NRM, gender

Brief description of responsibilities:

International consultant for the socio-economic impact evaluation of the Irrigation component of the ‘Community, Agriculture & Livestock Project’ (CLAP) in Kabul, Logar and Parwan provinces of Afghanistan. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock (MAIL) and funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).


  • Desk top review of relevant project documents
  • Development of sampling methods and survey questionnaire
  • Using qualitative participatory methods for data collection in the field
  • Using SPSS for statistical analysis of survey data and qualitative content analysis of qualitative interview data
  • Writing final socio-economic impact evaluation report
  • Present findings during a stakeholder meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock (MAIL) in Kabul.

Date: 3 & 4 April 2019

Conference title: ‘Monitoring and Evaluation for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems

Location: Wageningen International Congress Centre, Wageningen

Organised by: Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University & Research. This specific conference is co-organised with Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR).

I facilitated a parallel session titled: ‘A Food Systems Aproach to Monitoring and Evaluation’, during the ‘Conference Monitoring and Evaluation for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems’.

This conference is the eleventh annual ‘M&E on the Cutting Edge’ event organised by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University & research. This specific conference is co-organised with Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR).

Case study document (PDF)

Case study presentation slides (PDF)

Conference website

Year: 2019

Project: Development of a program level Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) system

Job title: Consultant MEAL 

Client: Dutch Committee for Afghanistan/Brooke

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, poverty reduction, value chain development

Brief description of responsibilities:

The overall objectives of this consultancy are a) to initiate, develop and guide the development of a program level MEAL system, b) in line with Brooke mission and vision, giving animal welfare more prominence within DCA work

  • Define program level key performance indicators (KPIs), which reflect DCA’s mission and vision
  •  Assess requirements in terms of: staff, training  software and hardware, and budget for setting up such a program level M&E system
  • Define one or more KPIs that reflect Animal Welfare
  • Assess how equine welfare related messages can be disseminated through other DCA projects

Year: 2017

Project: CLAP-Kuchi

Job title: Consultant annual progress review

Client: Dutch Committee for Afghanistan

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, poverty reduction, value chain development

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Analysis of baseline survey data
  • Writing of baseline report
  • Review of project M&E logframe and revision of project indicators

Year: 2017

Project: Community Livestock and Agriculture Project (CLAP)

Job title: Team leader mid-term review

Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL)

Location: Kabul, Parwan & Logar, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Agriculture, irrigation, seed production, dairy production, poultry production, animal health, value chain development, income generation, gender

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Act as team-leader for the mid-term review of the IFAD-funded ‘Community Livestock and Agriculture Project’
  • Desk top review of relevant project documents
  • Analysis of survey data
  • Using quantitative and qualitative participatory methods for data collection in the field
  • Using SPSS for statistical analysis of survey data and qualitative content analysis of qualitative interview data
  • Present findings during a stakeholder meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture in Kabul.

Year: 2016

Project: SaFaL

Job title: Advisor M&E SaFaL program

Client: Solidaridad Netherlands & Bangladesh

Location: Bangladesh

Thematic areas: Animal health, dairy production, milk quality, housing, feeding, breeding

Main responsibility:

Through participatory group discussions and action research, assist in developing and revising project indicators for the dairy component of the “Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL)’ programme in Bangladesh.


Year: 2016

Project: CLAP-Kuchi

Job title: Consultant mid-term evaluation

Client: Dutch Committee for Afghanistan

Location: Kabul, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, poverty reduction, value chain development

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Desk top review of relevant project documents
  • Analysis of survey data
  • Using quantitative and qualitative participatory methods for data collection in the field
  • Using SPSS for statistical analysis of survey data and qualitative content analysis for qualitative interview data

Year: 2013

Project: Baghlan Agriculture Project (BAP)

Job title: Livestock expert

Client: GFA Consulting group GmbH

Location: Baghlan & Badakshan, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Sheep production, goat production, cashmere production, cashmere value chain, fodder quality

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Developing and managing an livestock extension training program for district government agricultural extension staff,
  • Developing and implementing a cashmere goat production feasibility study,
  • Analyzing possibilities of improving fodder quality and fodder management for sheep project beneficiaries

Year: 2013

Project: Baghlan Agriculture Project (BAP)

Job title: Gender and livestock expert

Client: GFA Consulting group GmbH

Location: Baghlan & Badakshan, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Gender, sheep production, poultry production, animal health, gender

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Development of a concise gender approach within all BAP activities, but especially in the animal husbandry component,
  • Development of monitoring and evaluation methods and tools for BAP livestock activities,
  • Assessment of possibilities for improving animal health within the project area,
  • Liaising with Government extension services and identify training needs in the area of livestock production and health

Year: 2012

Project: Baghlan Agriculture Project (BAP)

Job title: Livestock expert

Client: GFA Consulting group GmbH

Location: Baghlan & Badakshan, Afghanistan

Thematic areas: Gender, sheep production, poultry production, animal health, livestock value chains, gender

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Review of sheep and poultry value chains in the BAP project area,
  • Critical analyses of BAP livestock project activities and their relevance for improving household income,
  • Building the BAP-livestock’s team capacity in conducting situational and problem analyses through PRA training sessions,
  • Assisting the BAP livestock team in managing monitoring data,
  • Identification of bottlenecks and issues within the poultry and sheep husbandry system and value chains,
  • Give recommendations for realistic improvements/adaptations

Year: 2006

Project: Endogenous Livestock Development

Job title: Consultant evaluation

Client: Heifer International, Heifer Cameroon, ETC/Compas and Agromisa

Location: NorthwestProvince, Cameroon

Thematic areas: Animal health, animal production, poverty reduction, value chain development

Brief description of responsibilities:

  • Evaluating the impact of the Endogenous Livestock Development  (ELD) workshop held in Yaoundé, Cameroon 12-18 June 2005. The aim of the workshop was to address technical, institutional and policy constraints of different livestock systems and to explore options for sustainable livestock development.
  • Preparation of a draft evaluation report to deepen the scope of the publication on Endogenous Livestock Development
  • Collection of case study material on film for a documentary DVD to be supplemented with the publication on Endogenous Development.

Year:  2003

Project: Supporting Pastoral Livelihoods by Facilitating Adaptation and Innovation of Sheep Production Systems in Rajasthan, India

Job title:  Researcher 

Client: League for Pastoral Peoples

Location: Rajasthan, India

Thematic areas: sheep production; sheep genetic resources; sheep breeding; sheep husbandry; gender-based knowledge, labour division and decision making; ethnoveterinary medicine

Brief description of responsibilities:

  •  Development of research methods and tools for research on sheep genetic resources, breeding strategies, herd composition, gender-based knowledge and labour division
  • Conducting participatory research using focus group discussions, Household interviews, key informant interviews and observation
  • Collect baseline data that will form the foundation for M&E of the project.