

Year: 2006

Project: HPAI impact assessment and development of toolkit

Job title: Consultant on rapid assessment of livelihoods, social and gender impacts of HPAI

Client:  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Location: Rome, Italy

Skills:  Research,  impact assessment, evaluation, data analysis, report writing

Thematic areas:  livelihoods, gender, avian influenza, economics

Brief description of responsibilities:

Collaborating with the Commodities and Trade Division (ESC), the Gender and Population Division (SDW) and the FAO Representative in Turkey. 

  • Developed a checklist and toolkit for rapid assessment of livelihoods, social and gender impacts of HPAI. This included use of participatory tools and their adaptation for use in the context of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).
  • Field-tested and evaluated the checklist and toolkit during a three-week mission to Turkey, including Ankara and selected field locations.
  • Identified evolution of patterns of consumption, trade, and prices of poultry products in selected countries following the onset of HPAI.
  • Contributed to the writing of a policy paper on “Market and Trade Impacts of AI”

Upton M. (2006) A Framework for Identifying Market and Trade Impacts of HPAI and its Control. Paper presented at the Symposium on The Market and Trade Dimensions of Avian Influenza. Rome, Italy, 14 November 2006.

 Year: 2005 & 2006

Project: Planning Livestock Interventions with a Gender and HIV/AIDS lens.

Job title: Consultant Livestock, gender & HIV/AIDS

Client: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

Location: Rome, Italy

Skills:  desktop research, report writing, developing decision support tools

Thematic areas: livestock sector, gender, HIV/AIDS

Brief description of responsibilities:

Consultancy assignment with the Sustainable Development Department. 

  • Preparing a draft outline for a policy paper addressing socio-economic (including HIV/AIDS considerations) and gender issues pertaining to the livestock sector.
  • Developing a gender checklist and a HIV/AIDS checklist – based on the Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Livestock Guide – for people working at the macro and intermediate level in the livestock sector.
  • Liaising with relevant FAO services and other organisations to share information about the SEAGA Livestock guide; to explore opportunities for closer collaboration; and to identify needs covering socio-economic and gender issues.
Fieldwork Cameroon

FAO (2006) Planning Livestock Interventions with a Gender and HIV/AIDS lens. FAO’s Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Programme.

Year: 2005

Project: State of the World Animal Genetic Resources

Job title: Consultant farm animal genetic resources

Client: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

Location: Rome, Italy

Skills: desktop research, analysis, report writing

Thematic areas: farm animal genetic resources

Brief description of responsibilities:

Contributed to the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources Report and the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources. 

  • Extracting, translating (from French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian to English) and editing relevant information from country reports and updating the Global Inventory of Farm Animal Genetic Resources in order to facilitate the analysis of the level of endangerment of the world’s resources, and the establishment of conservation priorities.
  • Writing regional fact sheets and regional reports: i) evaluating the importance of the livestock sector to the region’s economy and food security; ii) describing prevalent production systems; and iii) summarizing animal genetic resources in the region. This work contributed to the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources Report and the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources.